Parent | Jackson, WY
“I have been involved in four states and three years with children’s mental health issues as a parent. [Uplift] is by far the most professional, knowledgeable and informative organization I have been involved with. The support I have received from your staff regarding IEP’s and school related services has been excellent. We have made more improvements to our family life in the past year due to the dedication and support of your fine staff. There is nothing UPLIFT cannot do and do well.”

Parent | Cheyenne, WY
We are coming up on the year anniversary of [our son] coming home and I just wanted to tell you all he is doing really well. Thank you all for what you did, I felt like it took a bit of time to get the right team together for him but we finally did it. We still have our blow ups every now and then but now it is one every 4 months instead of 4 every month. Your support for me was what got me through this difficult time. You all need to hear that what you are doing makes a difference and that I am truly grateful for your support and always will be, thank you and may God truly bless each of you.

Parent | Cheyenne, WY
I became involved with Uplift about 17 yrs ago or more. I wasn't sure what to expect but after many years of issues at school and trying to decide meds or no meds I decided to become a part of Uplift. Looking back it was the best decision I had made, not just for me, but more importantly for my son and learning to deal with his challenging behavior in a positive way as well as teaching everyone around him. I also used what I learned in my job setting and referred parents to Uplift! I'm happy to say my son is 26 yrs old and has had 2 jobs since graduating and is a very productive citizen! Thank you UPLIFT!